Visualise This

What's it like to be a high-wire artist?

May 08, 2020 Jonathan Warncke Season 1 Episode 9

Ever wanted to run away and join the circus? Now's your chance. In this visualisation, you play the part of The Phoenix, a high-wire artist. Enjoy. 

Good news everyone! I've set up some tiers on my Patreon account at For a single dollar a month, you can join the "Concert Lighter" tier, where you can vote on the next visualisation I write and record. 
I've also got a "Molotov" tier, where you can toss a flaming idea through my window, a "Rocket to the moon" tier, where we work on a visualisation together, and "Your very own flame" tier, where I make a visualisation that's just for you. 

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